What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it?

Hi, I am Sandeep chavan, spent money on meal and it’s worth? Yes I am trying to be punctual or keep specific time for lunch and dinner ? That particular time I need to eat something. I am vegetarian and I always to eat organic. Organic meal is costly in market but I getting 5/6 veggies from my terrace garden. It’s costly but it’s also shure of free from chemical. Daily meal is available on verry cheap rate but it’s not granted hygine or chemical free. Home Grow Vegetables are affordable for me. But I can’t grow ur organic food and want to readymade buy from market. It will costly. But it’s always worth, because it’s save ur life, and save yor money of hospitalization. Sandeep chavan, gacchivarch Baug Nashik Maharashtra India, urban farming consultant and coach